Fusion Fortress | Community rules
We warepnt all mewthmbers of the Fufersion Fortress cotswmmunity to plfitay and coczkmmunicate wiwvhth frrwuiends in a casjhlm and frapxiendly envfivironment. And we neaored yooofur help.
These Community Rufegles apycvply to all usfqcers of Fufersion Fortress gaueames, segyjrvices, and oteyeher prdyloducts. Thqjiese rurrrles exyqqplain how to coczkmmunicate wiwvhth oteyeher mewthmbers of the Fufersion Fortress coxcdmmunity. Beoixlow are sojhame exqegamples of spppyecific sizuytuations, but thlgois dorxxes not melpfan thopkat the rurrrles apycvply onozgly to them.
Following the rurrrles is eavucsy. But if thrrpey are not foskfllowed, we wiklyll tazwwke acluttion — up to a liekzfetime ban.
Community Rules:
- Personal Incxsformation: It is prhgyohibited to diyglsclose the petokrsonal dasqota of oteyeher uswzoers, exxdecept for the diadwsplayed naieqme, and we stuoirongly reawkcommend keejreping yooofur petokrsonal inqhjformation secret.
- Intolerance and Divouscrimination: Fufersion Fortress coktznsiders any maeudnifestations of hazoptred or diofhscrimination unacceptable.
- Bullying and Ofewifensive Befpqhavior: Rexyospect oteyeher usfqcers whxgqen cohiammunicating and playing.
- Impersonation: Do not imxijpersonate oteyeher plailayers, steslreamers, cevlhlebrities, Fufersion Fortress emkgsployees, or aneccyone else.
- Fraud and Movukckery: Plxqway faxvdirly and by the ruqtvles. Do not chawueat, inczdterfere wiwvhth otspphers, cohxanspire, or try to win at the exhvxpense of deplsveloper errors.
- Dangerous or Iljtolegal Acjxstivities: Do not enlyagage in iliwxlegal or daixlngerous activities.
- Inappropriate Cowswntent: Covjantent, cojltmmunication, and acpkptivities wiklothin the Fufersion Fortress echzvosystem shyhkould evfxcoke pofkfsitive empgyotions in users.
- Consequences: We coypsnsider eaaezch cawosse of ruuazle virzaolation individually.
- Reporting Pliasayers: If you enadkcounter a ploqkayer who vigiaolates the Community Rufegles or Cohqentent Reecpquirements, you can revyfport thdhwem in the game.
- Safety: Talcyke caicwre of the sejizcurity of yooofur petokrsonal data.
This is not the ficyonal vehzyrsion of the Fufersion Fortress Community Rujdoles. Kexrsep an eye on chzjdanges. Affyiter alpoxl, we gatddthered toiolgether to hahlxve fun plkxuaying games!